Why are Conspiracy Theories so Popular?


I wonder about the popularity of conspiracy theories, like flat earth or that the moon landings were faked. These go against the helpful approach of Occam’s Razor which discourages introducing unnecessary complexity into hypotheses. So why do we do it? Why do we have these intricate and complex conspiracy theories instead of just accepting the simplest solution that the predominant narrative is correct? I wonder if this has to do with the human species’ evolved preference for complexity. We love complexity for some reason, probably evolutionary, and often choose complex solutions over simple solutions. Maybe it makes sense in a world were there is more and more information that instead of trying to make logical sense of it all, we prefer to construct a complex web with a secretive power elite who lie to us. Instead of believing the standard narrative, we choose the much more intricate and complex solutions offered by conspiracy theories. Our inability to comprehend the complexities of the modern world can be replaced by a more easily digested web of deceit. That means we no longer have to say to ourselves that we are just too stupid or too lazy to understand the conventional narrative and instead we are smart enough to realise that the truth is far more complex and that we somehow have really understood the real hidden truth. Conspiracy theories are reassuring in a world too complex to apprehend.

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