

There is much discussion about immigration of asylum seekers into Europe. The latest idea I heard is being pushed by Germany and is proposing the introduction of quotas with each European country being assigned a quota of immigrants who would then be relocated according to the agreed distribution across countries.
My opinion is that this apparently fair solution isn’t really fair. What would be fair is for countries to have a quota based on their part in amplifying this issue. So Italy should have a high share as they have their various mafias making a business out of importing immigrants. The UK and especially the USA should have the bulk of the quota as their foreign policies, particularly deposing Saddam, have created the situation in which Islamic State was able to thrive leading to large amounts of Syrian refugees into Europe.
In a fair system, countries would be responsible for the follow-on costs of their domestic and foreign policies, in Italy’s case down to the mafia and corruption which is a way of life in Italy, and in the USA and UK cases responsibility for their warmongering to gain more votes at home. These policies have led to a huge increase in refugees coming into Europe. 
Of course the world isn’t fair and countries with the most power will continue to decide how the world works.

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